Make your meeting life start feeling more like your best life with the icebreaker jokes below. Make your arguments and ideas more persuasive.Release endorphins and calm anger for more productive debates.Warm-up virtual formats during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.Soothe stress and make people more receptive to calmly discussing ideas.
“Now that I have children, I understand the scene in Return of the Jedi where Yoda is so tired of answering Luke’s questions, he just up and dies.” Click To Tweet Not only do they get people laughing, but they may subtly point out similarities of experience, opinions, and values to make even a tight-knit group feel more closely bonded. In fact, many of the best one-liners work a little like social glue. Get Your Free Icebreaker Questions Bundle Like a good conversation starter or icebreaker question, a joke can warm up your listeners’ brains and prepare them to receive your message. Icebreaker jokes like that one command attention.
“Now that I have children, I understand the scene in Return of the Jedi where Yoda is so tired of answering Luke’s questions, he just up and dies.” ( iFunny)